The 9/11 Consensus Panel is pleased to welcome two new members to participate in the evaluation of its evidence:

Jonathan Cole, Professional Civil Engineer registered in Conn., Florida, and N.H., Graduated 1979, more than 28 years in civil engineering and construction management, including building, bridge, utility and infrastructure design.
More information on Panel members here
French magazine NEXUS publishes a 12-page dossier on 9/11
The March-April 2013 volume of the French magazine, Nexus, carries a 12-page article summarizing the 28 Consensus Points of the 9/11 Consensus Panel that have been developed to date. It includes coverage of the WTC7 collapse, and the national poll organized by the French association ReOpen911 for the 10th anniversary of the events.
The article, written by journalist Kim-Anh Lim, is titled “11/9, une affaire classée? (9/11: A Closed Case?)”
Nexus is sold in news kiosks across France, and Nexus has newsrooms around the world. The article may become available online when the next issue replaces it on the stands. For a copy of the magazine, write to
The PDF file is available here
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